Sunday, 17 January 2010

Sunday night blues

So I've had a nice weekend...lazy, filled with alcohol and chocolate (I know, I know...absolutely great for my diet, but gimme a break!), and I feel quite relaxed. Now I need to try and stop the Sunday night "back to work tomorrow" blues from creeping up on me.

Ho hum.

Currently, I'm looking at my Facebook and have noticed a status update from a girl I used to go to school with. She's unbelievably negative. I know what you're thinking "Pot Kettle Black", but seriously I have nothing on this girl. She's also quite hypocritical. She was made redundant from her job early last year, and has spent so much time moaning on Facebook, it makes me wonder whether she has actually bothered applying for any jobs. But anyways
, she has repeatedly slagged off people that complain about having a bad day at work "AT LEAST YOU HAVE A FUCKING JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!". Well, excuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse must be lonely up there on your pedestal.

This is the same girl who would then boast about spending her days shopping and going to the cinema, while the rest of us were slaving away. Nice to see she's put her hard-earned Job Seeker's Allowance to good use. She got some temporary work in November, and sure enough it wasn't long before..."I can't believe I have to work until 7 tonight!!!"

-Epic face palm-

So anyways...Sunday night blues. I'm planning to counteract them with copious amounts of Corona and a bacon sarnie. Oh and CSI:NewYork on Five USA.


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