Saturday, 16 January 2010

The octopus dream

Thanks to recent press attention, I've just discovered the Sleep Talkin' Man blog and it's absolutely hilarious!

It got me thinkin' about my sleeping habits. I snore occasionally, and I grind my teeth when I'm stressed out. I think I've only ever sleep talked once or twice, but it's never anything coherent. My dreams however do get very very strange. This one happened quite a while ago, but it is quite bizarre and to this day whenever I think about it, I get kinda creeped out...

I'm seated on the second-to-last row on the bottom deck of a rickety old double-decker bus. On the back row there is a blond haired woman, in her forties, coughing. After a while the coughing gets worse and becomes more of a gagging sound. Then she makes retching noises and hocks up an octopus. The octopus is all slimy and looks 'cartoon-like' - it's under a foot tall but its head is massive, tentacles ridiculously tiny and it has these 'puppy-dog' eyes. It almost looks cute. The octopus then coughs once and dies. The woman starts screaming that her baby has died. That's when I wake up.


  1. I love STM!!!
    And now I found your blog haha, good writing!

    Feel free to drop by my blog :P

  2. It's awesome (and I NEVER say that word)

    Excellent...thanking you!

    Consider your blog dropped by and now being followed ;-)
